Friday, September 20, 2019

Introduction to TCM and Acupuncture

Monday, September 23, 2019
1:00 - 1:30PM
Join me at the Equinox festival hosted by Origins Cafe in Cooperstown, NY!
I’ll be giving a  10 minute introduction to TCM and acupuncture, followed by 20 minutes Q/A.
Lots of great events and presentations happening all day!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Rejuvenate with Cleansing and Fasting: Benefits and Guidelines

Periodic cleansing and fasting are considered fundamental practices in almost every healing tradition. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is a particularly good season to consider doing some type of liver and gallbladder cleanse. 

In this class, licensed acupuncturist and certified herbalist, Amanda Lewis, L.Ac., will discuss various aspects of cleanses and fasts, including: (1) the benefits and cautions; (2) who are they recommended for; (3) when and for how long are they best to do; and (4) details about different types of cleanses and fasts. 

Treat yourself to a special time of healing and rejuvenation and some tasty food and beverage samples.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Finding Calm and Improving Sleep

It can be hard these days to slow down and quiet the body and mind. Many people often feel stressed or anxious, and have trouble falling or staying asleep. 

While we may not be able to change our job or basic daily responsibilities, we can modify our food choices, use medicinal herbs, adjust our routines, and practice simple meditation and breathing techniques to feel more relaxed and get better sleep. 

Licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, Amanda Lewis, will discuss some of these natural treatment options and offer some calming tea samples as well!